Friday, 13 September 2013

Australia: A Postcard from Sydney

This is just another postcard entry. 

Was away travelling and then had some problem with internet access at home recently thus the delay in updating the blog and Facebook page. Anyways, the postcard shows the Harbour Bridge, Central Business District and the Opera House in Sydney, Australia. The shot was taken from Milsons Point, across the bridge from the Rocks. It is a good place to enjoy the view especially that of the two iconic structures of the city, the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge.

For other www.RambleAndWander.com blog entries on "A Postcard from..." series, click here.


Comments and feedback are always appreciated. So do leave one or two if you have the time. Thank you!

  1. owh i miss sydney especially these two iconic buildings. shall i go there again? ahaks.

    1. Why not? Maybe during a transit on the way to NZ or South America? :-d

  2. Replies
    1. Ya, saya rasa saya lebih suka Sydney pada waktu lewat sore dan malam. Nampak lebih menarik dan lebih bagus utk berfoto, terutamanya selfie, haha! ;-)

    2. Ala masa i pegi Sydney beberapa tahun yg lalu, laluan ke Milson point tu tutup!! deng, kena pegi lagi ni nk lawan gambar encik RAW hahahah..

    3. Laa ya ke? Ish! Hilang salah satu nikmat dunia, haha! I pi duk lepak ambil feel kat tempat ni dua malam berturut2. Sekali naik train, sekali lagi naik feri *saja kasi panas* heheh!

      Takpe, next time ada rezeki boleh pergi lagi :-)

  3. Sydney.. will catch the moment before flying hehehee..
    lawa poskad ni.. tgk lama2 boleh termimpi kat Sydney hahahah :p

    1. Apa lagi... semoga mimpi bertukar menjadi realiti. Tapi kena mimpi betul2 la dulu, heheh! ;-)

    2. Hahahaa.. sekarang ni mimpi nak jadi reality susah kot.. dulu tak ada kat Malaysia senang jer nak jadi kan mimpi tu kenyataan.. but bila dah balik malaysia for good 2 months ago.. rasa mimpi ku bukan lagi kenyataan ish ish.. :p

    3. Awat yg sampai jadi lagu tu?

  4. Hello :) blog hopping from http://dianateo-dt.blogspot.com.au/
    Can't help but leave a comment... Milsons Points was my home for 5 years and my guess - the shot was taken somewhere outside Luna Park entrance, near the ferry wharf?

    1. Hello there, Cubie! :-)

      Yes, you're right. Quite close actually. I took this shot from in front of a restaurant/cafe that is located between the ferry wharf and the bridge.

      You lived in Milsons Point before? Niceeee! I went there 2 nights in a row just to enjoy this beautiful view away from the tourist crowd. Absolutely loved it.

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