Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Malaysian Travel Bloggers Meetup

Are you a Malaysian travel blogger? Or a travel blogger based in Malaysia? If you are, come and join us at our second meetup on Saturday afternoon, 7th Dec 2013.

The details are as follows:

When - Saturday 7th December, 1 p.m. - 3.30 p.m. or until we get kicked out ;-)
Where - The Centre for Asian Photographers - The School, Jaya One, Petaling Jaya 
Snacks - Light finger food and coffee/ tea/ drinks 
Cost - It's FREE, thanks to our sponsors, Sedunia Travel and Centre for Asian Photographers

There'd be a talk by, and a Q&A session with, Curator/ Director of the Centre for Asian Photographers on travel photography. There'd also be another topic which would be advised soon.

This is going to be a very casual afternoon where we can mingle and network with fellow travel bloggers, share stories and headaches while talking about travel, photography, blog promotion, tips and tricks.

For some ideas on how our first Malaysian Travel Bloggers Meetup was like, check out the following write up by Efendi, Emila, Fienuts and last but not least, Jard, the founder of Malaysian Travel Bloggers group.

So interested in joining us or to find out more? Do register yourself first here (link removed).

Space is limited so be quick!

See you guys there!


Comments and feedback are always appreciated. So do leave one or two if you have the time. Thank you!

  1. Thanks for this info ..
    Like to join this meetup.. :d tapi terasa diri masih kecil.. huhuhuuu..

    1. Eh! Join je lah. We're going there to learn from the experts and from each other too. I'm sure it's going to be beneficial to everyone attending.

    2. i'm done with the registration.. still waiting for the answer :d

  2. Salam bro, it was nice talking to u on Saturday. Heh, that short discussion has helped me decide something for our groupblog. So thanks! ;)

    1. Ah-ha! Cool! It was great talking to you too, albeit just for a short time. Interesting ideas you have there for your group blog actually! Would love to see how it grows further in the near future :-)

  3. Adui miss pula.....tak tahu pun...

    1. Tak apa, nanti ada rezeki, boleh jemput datang ke next meet up, insya Allah :-)

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